Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Warren Miller Brings His Wintervention to Pittsburgh

With snow in the forecast for Saturday there is no better way for the snow-obsesed to kick off the winter then with a little Wintervention!

Wintervention is the 61st film for industry icon Warren Miller. His films have a cult-like following because his films celebrate seasons past and set the stage for the season to come. This edition tackles the tough issues of snow-diction. Narrated by Olympic celebrity Jonny Moseley it features 26 athletes as they travel from Argentina to Antarctica chasing epic moments in terrain parks, on lift-access slopes and exotic descents in the far corners of the globe.

Catch Wintervention in Pittsburgh at the Carnegie Library Music Hall November 6th, 2010 at 7:00 pm.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Get to Know Your Reps: Terri Apple

Terri Apple, a veteran rep for Nils Skiwear has been with the company for 28 years covering New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Terri took to the slopes early as an enthusiastic toddler and her growing passion lead her to race in college as well as a year well-spent ski bumming in Alta. Her life’s travels have taken her to the mountains from coast to coast and she has remained passionate about the outdoors in both her work and private life.

Her life in the ski industry started at age 16 when she began working in a ski shop. Her expertise and great work ethic took her to a buying position by age 21 which lead to her first sales rep position with Karhu-Titan shortly thereafter. Two years later, she partnered with Nils Skiwear where she is still an integral part of the sales team.

While Terri counts any day spent on the mountain in her amazing Nils togs she counts among her most memorable those blue bird days with fresh, dry powder in Sun Valley. She loves to be able to let the skis fly with big GS turns as a treat from the more confining east coast skiing.

Terri is one of those people you immediately like – and because of that she has made many friends throughout the industry. In fact her favorite thing about the ski industry is the people. From all of the buyers to the sales staff in the stores to most importantly, she says, the wonderful consumers that support their local ski shops and love the winter sports world like she does. She is full of funny stories about skiing over the years and the Willi’s crew but one of her favorite stories is a perfect example of the close friends she has made in the industry…as a young rep she claims she was “little intimidated” to travel to downtown Pittsburgh to a hockey specialty store, Willi’s owner and caretaker-to-all, Linda Klein, jumped in Terri’s van, went downtown with her and even took her dog for a walk while she called on the store!

Her home life is deeply affected by the ski industry not only because of her passion for the outdoors and her job with Nils but also because her charming husband of 31 years is also a veteran personality in the ski industry and together they are handing that passion down to their three children, one of which works in the industry as well.

While Terri can be found on both Facebook and Twitter she uses these primarily to communicate with her family. To follow what Terri is passionate about in her work life try following Nils Skiwear on Facebook.