Monday, January 26, 2009

Rockin' and Rollin' At Seven Springs

It has been an amazing 10 days at Seven Springs! There has been so much going on I couldn't get to it all!

Last Saturday WPRC held the Snow Capitol GS and when I got up to get my racers to the hill it was -18 degrees! President Ken Fedorek was contacted by many of the parents to find out if the race would still be held - his answer? "Well, it is a winter sport."

It turned out to be an incredible race with racers coming from Ohio, Maryland and all over Pennsylvania.

The weather only warmed up a little by mid week when Willi's hosted the annual Head Women's Day. Lisa Densmore signed autographs as the ladies gathered to head out for a day on the hill.

Starting with a wine and cheese party the night before and closing with coctails Apres Ski the event was focused on the lifestyle of skiing as much as skiing itself. The ladies were treated to lessons with the Seven Springs instructors and worked in groups with Lisa throughout the day. As cold as it was everyone had a blast.

By Friday night the temperature was back down below zero but that didn't stop all of the weekend events. WPRC Alpine Team hosted a two day PA Cup slalom race on Saturday and Sunday while the Freestyle Team tore it up with a two day, UPMC sponsored Mogul Challenge.

Sandwiched in between was the kick off of the Red Bull Buttercup - a new contest series on the East Coast. The lights were on and the tricks were hot.

This next weekend WPRC will hold the CTR GS so hold on to your hat - there's is more to come!

See ya on the slopes!


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