Saturday, January 3, 2009

Taking A Breather!

I am finally taking a second to catch my breath. With the mountain opening in mid November and the busy holiday season I feel like I have been running Mach Schnell. I’m lucky that the lines between work and play are so blurred because I have been at it hard for 6 weeks now and it is beginning to take its toll – it would be nice if things could slow down just a tad for a few days.

It feels good to be sitting to write at my computer for a few minutes – both the sitting part and the writing part! Oddly enough the best place for me to get an internet connection here at Seven Springs is up here in the Foggy Goggle Bar – but as I said the lines between work and play are blurred – often VERY blurred!

So I have yet to post the pictures from the Line Rail Jam on December 20, 2008. I am having some technical difficulties. That is the smooth way of saying that I forgot my cables in the city when I packed and my computer won’t read the card from the ‘good’ camera that I used for the day. I have some good shots and it was a great day so I will get them up as soon as possible.

The mountain has been fantastic – even those four lousy days we had right over Christmas were better than some of the mid season days we had last year. I chalk that up to the excellent job the snow making and grooming team did – those boys have the hardest job on the mountain. You know I can tell they have the most fun though – I am usually here in the Goggle working in the morning when they come down each day – they are in their jump suits riding their shovels like sleds cheering each other on. They get such a good ride that I think maybe I’ll trade in my skis for a shovel!

I’ve been lucky enough to be up on the hill for at least part of everyday. We spent most of the day in the park yesterday as the kids didn’t have race training due to the holiday. I am taking a few minutes off just to do some catching up but it is so beautiful out there I am feeling a bit sorry for myself. I’ll be out there later though as we have our consumer demo here today. Just pop into the store and pay the $10 demo fee and you will get a sheet for the reps to record all of your demos and comments on. Drop the sheet and a photo id at the tents and you can spend the day on new product from Head, Nordica, K2, Rossignol, Atomic, Volkl, Salomon and Line . I’m hoping the weather will hold since tomorrow, Sunday, I’ll be helping out with the WPRC Ohiopyle Slalom Race and cheering my son Dylan on in his first race of the season.

It has been a great holiday break and I want to make the best of what is left of it so…

See ya on the slopes!


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