Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'd Rather Be Working

Christmas has passed for another year and even though it has turned out to be an incredible day I have passed up a chance to head to the slopes to stay in to work.

I realize most of you will say I am nuts but I really DO enjoy what I do and frankly with all the holiday craziness I have not been able to get to all of those things I have wanted to do work wise.

Most of you know that I work for Willi's Ski Shop...what I do there is wear many hats and like most people who wear many hats I do not give everything the attention I should. What often falls by the wayside when things get busy is the communication with our cyber community. When things are nuts I don't get to chat with other enthusiasts, I don't get to write about the things I love about the outdoors in winter, the great new products or how great the slopes or the competitions are, and I miss it. To me communicating about it is what makes the whole 'mountains-in-winter' thing fun - the sharing. I just happen to be in the lucky position of being paid for doing it!

So - even though the slopes here at Seven Springs are incredible today, don't think me too odd for choosing to work; instead, find me on twitter and tell me all about your most recent day on the slopes, post some pictures on our facebook pages or make a comment here because for me, that is work, and today, I'd rather be working!

See ya on the slopes! - (but not today)


Monday, December 21, 2009

Seven Springs Season Starts on a High Note

I am looking out the window as I am writing this. It is still snowing - has been for most of the day and I know the snow up at Seven Springs is nothing short of amazing. I was disappointed that I could not make it up this past weekend due to work and other commitments here in the city. A winter weekend in the city, however, has made me all that much more grateful for the incredible weekend I had in the mountains the weekend before.

Seven Springs hosted the Rome SDS Premature Jibulation and while neither Willi's Ski Shop nor The Jib Shop had anything directly to do with the comp we happily joined in the festive atmosphere and loved helping competitors get their boards ready for the early season rail jam.

I'd love to say I got some great shots with the new shop camera you might be able to tell from the lack of a picture at the top of the post - I didn't. Frankly I'm just not sure I've gotten the hang of all the buttons and knobs but the park crew has tons of great footage so I encourage you to visit their site.

If any of you out there have any good footage we'd love to see it - you can post it to our The Jib Shop Facebook page or send me the link and I will get it up there.

The great weather and awesome rail jam has really started the Seven Springs season off on a high note - I've got a good feeling the snow gods will be smiling on us all season long :)

See ya on the slopes!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Seven Springs Begins the 2009-10 Season Tomorrow

You may wonder what skiers and snowboarders do in the winter before the season starts...well, we wait...

and wait...

and wait...

We try to entertain ourselves the best we can. On this particular, near summer day in late November, we enjoyed a day at the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium. With the weather cool enough to enjoy, the animals came out to play and it was truly an amazing day (click here for the full web album).

The waiting is now over...
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and as of tomorrow the 2009-10 season is in full swing at Seven Springs Mountain Resort. We have some amazing events planned so I hope you will come to join us!

See ya on the slopes!
