Monday, December 21, 2009

Seven Springs Season Starts on a High Note

I am looking out the window as I am writing this. It is still snowing - has been for most of the day and I know the snow up at Seven Springs is nothing short of amazing. I was disappointed that I could not make it up this past weekend due to work and other commitments here in the city. A winter weekend in the city, however, has made me all that much more grateful for the incredible weekend I had in the mountains the weekend before.

Seven Springs hosted the Rome SDS Premature Jibulation and while neither Willi's Ski Shop nor The Jib Shop had anything directly to do with the comp we happily joined in the festive atmosphere and loved helping competitors get their boards ready for the early season rail jam.

I'd love to say I got some great shots with the new shop camera you might be able to tell from the lack of a picture at the top of the post - I didn't. Frankly I'm just not sure I've gotten the hang of all the buttons and knobs but the park crew has tons of great footage so I encourage you to visit their site.

If any of you out there have any good footage we'd love to see it - you can post it to our The Jib Shop Facebook page or send me the link and I will get it up there.

The great weather and awesome rail jam has really started the Seven Springs season off on a high note - I've got a good feeling the snow gods will be smiling on us all season long :)

See ya on the slopes!


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